Studio Advisor Meeting #1 - Oct 16, 2014

Laura Gonzalez and I had a chat over tea. The goods:

Things to consider:

- Documentation (are these sketches that could become something else? Or are they documentation, implying they ARE already something else)

- The placement of the camera

- Guiding movement through visualization

- ASMR and ‘inner sounds’


- Where does my work lie? Maybe I don’t know yet. I think it lies in the BODY. It’s still inside my own body. But the camera is a serious participant. Am I thinking visual material?

- What happens when there’s failure and the score is impossible? Text power.

- Can you really share reading?

- When and how are we aware?

- How do we dream?


- Re: awareness of our own inner body: attempt to ‘locate instinct’ and then rotate it by a few degrees. Disorient in order to re-orient towards something unpredictable or impossible. Re-orientation as a productive/generative strategy.

- “I only know I know nothing”: as an experiment, put myself in the position of not knowing. How do I locate knowledge when I don’t already have it? A strategy to better understand how I might lead others. Try drumming. (I’m also attending a La Pocha Nostra workshop next week. It will be all kinds of not knowing.)

- Get into a strange zone (also good audition tip) to find what I have to give

- I don’t want to share the content of my dreams, but instigate the production of dreams (re: pizza for nightmares). When collaborating, people may ask ‘tell me how I should dream/ is this right?’


- Martin Arnold (re: editing as dancing)

- La Ribot

- Llamame Mariachi (re: camera as appendage)

- Joseph Quimby (re: music compositions from sounds of dancers bodies)

- Bill Viola (re: ASMR and inner sounds, underwater for example)

- Paul Taylor’s Esplanade (re: running for a bus/integrating pedestrian movement)

- Do It: exhibitions curated by different people, all instruction based and other artists fulfill the activities

- Two Impossible Films

- Yvonne Rainer’s writing on pedestrian movement (learn a lot about dancing by watching someone run for a bus) re: my interest in watching the physicality of a conversation

- Jerome Bell and Dv8 (re: disabilities)

- A book recommended by Chris Danowski: What we see when we read – about the experience of reading (phenomenology) includes maps, diagrams, etc – to look at how we read as an expanded thing – can you really share reading?

- Theatre of the Oppressed, Suzuki (re: scores and physical training)

To Do

- Read more scores. Try doing scores by others, and try writing my own

- Consider what I want to get out of the winter residency (performance, when/how to share my work and what kind of feedback would be useful to me)

- Re-read my proposal and give it an edit. It is becoming more specific (!)